
Integration of modern technological tools with spatial planning and design ...

📅 13/10/2022 at 10.00 am We invite you to the first inaugural meeting of the International Digitization Conference2.

Registration for the event is free…/68fc3e10-883a-d5f2-7426.. Speakers Sławomir Tront Manager of an urban complex PANOVA Studio and Marcin Szewczyk - Director of the MFG / PDM department Cadvision - New Technologies.

The subject of the short lecture will be to present the global trend of integrating spatial planning and architectural design into a coherent system based on the integration of GIS and BIM tools. Until now, these processes were supported by tools that did not complement each other and did not use the same input materials. Project experience from projects that we carry out in the multidisciplinary PANOVA team shows that the use of scanning, numerical models and integrated databases allows you to accelerate both strategic and design decisions. The integration of spatial and architectural planning processes is also an important component of adapting today's cities, building quarters and individual objects to climate change. In addition, most of the currently used multi-criteria building assessment systems, in addition to the criteria related to the building itself, take into account the external context (e.g. location, transport, protection of natural resources), hence the importance of a holistic approach to designing from the location decision to conscious and verifiable cycle design. building life. As part of the lecture, projects will be presented in which, of course, the above approach was used at a different level of advancement

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