Anna Suchorabska posted in the group BAZA WIEDZY
Budget: up to PLN 95,000 Euro
Deadline: applications should be submitted by June 28, 2022 at 1:00 p.m
DIH-World is looking for innovative experiments across Europe that integrate digital technologies into the processes, products or services of manufacturing SMEs. Innovative experiments are projects carried out by a consortium of SMEs and the Digital Innovation Hub. The invitation is addressed to the manufacturing sector with an emphasis on: textiles, logistics, mobility, rubber and plastic products, electrical and optical equipment.
Innovative experiments are open to any of the following technologies as long as they contribute to increasing the digitization level of participating SMEs: Smart modeling; Robotics; Internet of Things; cyber-physical systems; 3d printing; data analytics; Artificial intelligence; cloud technologies; high performance computing; laser technologies; autonomous cognitive systems; human-robot interaction; cyber security; Sensors.
Potential beneficiaries: DIH-World open calls are open to consortia of one SME from any Member State or country associated to Horizon 2020 with one Digital Innovation Hub (DIH).
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Maja Bogdanowicz
@ m-bogdanowiczssn-international
Marek Ostafil
@ m-ostafil