Anna Suchorabska posted in the group FINANSOWANIE
AI REGIO https://www.airegio-project.eu/open-call-2
The second AI REGIO project aims to select up to 17 experiments conducted by SMEs:
• 10 A-experiments: Single participant (SME) projects, applicable to THEMES #1 and THEMES #2
• 7 experiments type B: mini consortium projects (SME + DIH + optional third partner), applicable to THEMES #1, THEMES #2 and THEME #3 (all TOPICS)
Topics: TOPIC #1 Production Data Spaces and Data4AI Pipes.
The main goal of the proposal is to build a data space for production while demonstrating the benefits of adding value to production data before it is used in advanced AI applications. Data from different data sources has different values for further analysis and has heterogeneous levels of quality, so you need a flexible and configurable level of data quality. AI REGIO defines a high-level architecture for Data4AI applications and recommends the use of end-to-end data levels. Proposals on this topic should include comprehensive business scenarios that reflect real-world industry challenges and define and measure realistic, data-driven business KPIs.
• TOPIC #2 Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Applications and Contribution to the AI-On-Demand Platform
It covers several areas such as smart manufacturing, intelligent product handling systems, agile and dynamic value chains, industry 5.0, and human-AI interaction. AI REGIO experiments are expected to contribute to the European AI-On-Demand Platform as an EU-wide one-stop shop for AI knowledge, technology, tools, services and experts. The platform acts to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from research to many areas of business, including production. The main goal of the proposal is to develop advanced AI applications for manufacturing products, processes, value chains that could enrich the AI platform on demand in one or both of the following aspects:
• AI resources, case studies in the production division of the AI4Europe portal.
• Experiments and resources of artificial intelligence. Market for the AI4Europe ACUMOS experimental center.
• TOPIC #3 AI teaching factories for TERESA production and experiments
Network of Teaching Factories (DF) AI REGIO aims to build an ecosystem of experimental facilities that could combine aspects of learning / teaching factory skill development with a practical "pre-investment test". Additionally, in the AI REGIO DF network, TERESA experiments could be exploited in order to experiment with the ethical aspects of human-AI interactions, related, for example, to the safety, being, comfort and acceptance of human workers; improving working conditions in the workplace and the social inclusion of specific categories of disadvantaged workers.
The main objective of the proposal is to develop an experiment to be carried out by SMEs using the remotization services provided by DF (DIH). Optionally, TERESA experiments on human-AI interactions and regulatory issues can be implemented.
Who can apply? The AI REGIO project is aimed at digital and / or production SMEs, either individually or in mini consortia of the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) and eligible for the Horizon 2020 program. Only one application will be accepted per SME.
Budget: up to 60,000 Euro for SMEs and up to 100,000 Euro for mini consortia (1 manufacturing SME as a consortium leader; 1 DIH; 1 provider of ICT technology RTO (optional))
Deadline: Applications must be submitted by 29 July 2022.
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Maja Bogdanowicz
@ m-bogdanowiczssn-international
Marek Ostafil
@ m-ostafil