• Profile picture of Anna Suchorabska

    Anna Suchorabska posted in the group Członkowie

    1 year, 11 months ago

    New Members!
    We are pleased to announce that "Human Partner" has joined the esteemed group of Sinotaic Cluster Members. We look forward to sharing our knowledge and experience and collaborating with other industry leaders. Our mission is to focus on cutting-edge solutions and continuous development, so we are sure that this cooperation will bring many benefits for the entire community. We can't wait to start our adventure together!”

    Human Partner Sp. z o. o. specializes in creating and delivering educational solutions based on digital technologies, e.g. virtual reality (VR), rapid e-learning, simulation.

    The solutions are mainly used by leaders representing small and medium-sized enterprises and the public sector. Actively involved in the development of the ecosystem for digital technologies. He cooperates with many business organizations responsible for supporting innovation (e.g. clusters, employers' organizations). The company's president represents the business community in the Monitoring Committee of the new FENG 2021-2027 and FERC programs, as well as the Monitoring Committee of the FEDS 2021-2027 regional program.

    Human Partner is a member of the European Digital Education Hub and the international Pact for Skills network of the European Commission. The company is the winner of the European Commission's international award - VET Excellence Awards 2018 - for the best workplace education program.

    Website address: http://www.humanpartner.pl

    Contact person:
    Marcin Kowalski
    Chairman of the Board
    Human Partner Sp. z o. o
    tel. + 601 630 300
    e-mail: m.kowalski@humanpartner.pl