• Profile picture of Anna Suchorabska

    Anna Suchorabska posted in the group FINANSOWANIE

    2 years, 7 months ago

    PULSATE https://pulsate-tte.fundingbox.com/
    Pulsate operates in the manufacturing sector using LBAAM technology. The main assumptions of the experiments will include the development of innovative devices, processes, auxiliary devices and software based on laser technology and the search for solutions, especially adapted to the typical SME production environments and digital tools.
    Experiments should be between Technology Readiness Level 5-7 (TRL).
    The experiments should address the development, implementation of technologies and systems applicable to laser-based equipment in the advanced and additive manufacturing market in the following areas of experimentation:
    • Integration of laser equipment, interoperability and automation,
    • Economical laser production technology,
    • Flexible technology for small and large batches;
    • From CAD to PLM: data integration and flow
    Benefits: Selected Technology Transfer Experiments (TTE) will become part of the PULSATE 13-month support program, which includes: technical support from industry experts, support for business development, media exposure, access to private and public funding.
    The main benefit for the technology provider is a new product ready for the needs of the manufacturing sector, and for the end user - validation of the prototype system used in its specific operating environment.
    Who can apply? Consortium consisting of at least 2 companies acting as a technology provider (systems integrator) and a production company (adoptor / end user):
    • Technology provider: Any entity that designs, builds or rebuilds, programs, installs, modifies, distributes or supplies systems and / or technology to LBAAM.
    • Manufacturing company (end user / technology taker): Any entity that physically or chemically transforms materials or components into new products.
    The legal status of all consortium partners is required and the consortium companies are to be legally registered in an EU Member State or Associated Country.

    Budget: Up to 150,000 euro funding for the experiment.
    Timeframe: applications can be submitted until 29 July 2022.