
Debate 5G - Road to 5G for Local Governments 13.12.2022…


What are we going to talk about:

Outsourcing or in-house management. Pros and cons for local governments that, on the one hand, take the management of 5G networks into their own hands (what are the benefits of this?) and, on the other hand, those that definitely want to provide these services using external operators. What challenges do we have here?

A large operator and their business model focused mainly on downlink data traffic and the needs of local governments to send data (uplink).

Does the concept of building 5G based on Open-RAN really stand a chance in Poland? Will local governments be able to afford to operate their own 5G networks in such a model? Good practices used around the world.

Local governments and 5G? Main uses? Is 5G something "nice to have" or an absolute necessity for further development?

Let's explore the alternatives to 5G? Is it necessary to wait for 5G for the development of the "Smart City" concept?

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