


Types of EDIH support for SMEs and members of the Consortium who provide it:

EDIH also plays a coordinating role, connecting industry, enterprises, local government units and public administration that need new technological solutions on the one hand, and SMEs and start-ups on the one hand.heatwave, which have market-ready solutions on the other hand.

No one can innovate alone. Our goal is to connect technology companies with local government units as users of Smart City solutions in one value chain.

Our goal is to promote local solutions and Polish enterprises in order to strengthen their economic situation and therefore the economy in Poland.

EDIH will act as a broker, regularly examining technologies, mapping the innovation ecosystem and discovering needs and opportunities.

The composition of our EDIH consortium and mutual relations with central and regional authorities, industrial clusters, SME associations, development agencies, incubators, accelerators, EEN will significantly contribute to success in this area.

Types of EDIH support for local government units and members of the Consortium who provide it:

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